Hope the summer sun is a delight to everyone as we enjoy our time off to recuperate! I have definitely been taking time off - even from blogging :/ (I apologize) but I was inspired when I found a message from Autumn and Ruth at Coast to Coast Kinder nominating me for the Liebster Award! YAY how exciting! (Thanks so much btw!) Here are the rules:
- Link back to the original nominator's website - You must post 11 random things about yourself - Answer the questions the nominator set for you - Create 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate - Nominate 5 - 11 blogs (with less than 200 followers) and link them in your post SO... Here I go! 1. I am a first year teacher and JUST STARTED setting up my classroom - eek! So much fun and so much work! 2. I have a precious 2 and a half year old Lab/Border Collie mix pup named Sky.... also known as "Skybo". She is super spoiled and super hyper - like ALL the time - keeps me on my toes! 3. Speaking of staying on my toes... I LOVE to exercise. I feel wrong if I don't do some sort of physical activity every day - My FAVORITE is boxing and kickboxing at Title Boxing Club (See if there is one near you and take a class!!) 4. I am an insulin independent, Type 1 diabetic. I was diagnosed when I was 5 and have taken great care of myself! 5. I am very aware of what I eat and am cautious of what I put in my body. I enjoy eating healthy and feel better when I eat better! 6. To unwind I like to watch different TV series... my favorites are Desperate Housewives, True Blood, Game of Thrones, Pretty Little Liars, and Lost. Quite the variety! Any suggestions on good ones to watch? 7. I have an older brother, a younger sister and a younger brother. 8. I am interested in reading more but have no idea where to start or what to read. Anyone have must-read they suggest? 9. I am only 22 years old - So I definitely do NOT have all the answers! 10. I graduated from Texas State University - Summa Cum Laude :) 11. I have wanted to teach since I was in KINDERGARTEN and am so excited my time is finally here- It is a little crazy though! NOW - Coast to Coast Kinder has asked and I have answered: 1. How long have you been teaching? - 0 years ... I am a newbie! 2. Do you have a classroom theme? - I am going for Dr. Seuss... Already have the door done .. pictures to come! 3. What is your favorite school related app? - Class DOJO! Great way to provide incentive to the kids. You can carry it around in your pocket and give/take away points from students as the day goes on. Classroom Management made easy, and parents can even get the app and stay involved in what's happening with their kid! 4. What is your favorite non school related app? - My Fitness Pal - It keeps me in check! 5. What is the best characteristic of your best friend? - She is CONFIDENT. So sure of herself and positive. 6. Beach or Mountains? Why? - Mountains. There is just something relaxing about them and the ocean scares me... so. much. water. 7. Do you wear jeans to work? - On Fridays! 8. What was your best teaching moment? - I have only experienced student teaching .. but I was responsible for teaching the rock cycle and wrote a book to bring the rock cycle down to a 1st grade level. I was thrilled to hear words like "Metamorphic" and "Igneous" being thrown around for WEEKS. The kids remembered it and LOVED it. "Captain Igneous" did the trick! 9. Coffee or other morning drink? - I like the "Neuro" drinks. Coffee every once in a while... but the Neuro drinks come in different varieties to help you feel awake, alert and alive. 10. What is your favorite dinner? - Sushi! or Steak. 11. Reality TV good or junk? - I like to say its junk, but I have to admit that I get pretty hooked if I sit down and watch. And ... I have nominated these AWESOME blogs: http://firstgradewithatwist.blogspot.com/ http://elementaryelle.blogspot.com/ http://missjacobslittlelearners.blogspot.com.au/ http://whooosinsecond.blogspot.com/ http://www.talesfromaverybusyteacher.blogspot.com/ My Questions are: 1. How do you use literacy/math stations or centers in your classroom? 2. What is your favorite education App? 3. What is your favorite classroom management strategy? 4. If you could go back to your first year of teaching and tell yourself ANYTHING what would it be? 5. What do you need the most help with developing/creating for your classroom or students? 6. How do you create a balance between your teacher life and you personal life? 7. What is your favorite book to read for enjoyment? 8. Would you rather read on a kindle, or a real live book? 9. How do you incorporate technology into your lessons? 10. What organizational strategy are you most proud of in your classroom? 11. If you could change something about your school or classroom, what would it be? Have fun and good luck!
7/25/2013 09:31:41 am
I must have missed your responses! :( I loved seeing all of your responses! 1st year is scary and exciting all at once! Can't wait to see the Seuss door pictures!
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