To jump start our math objective:To model how the setting can change a story:To link Language Arts and Engineering:To learn about Texas symbols:"If a problem keeps happening, try something different to change the result."As we talked about the Engineer Design Process we learned that sometimes our original plan just doesn't work out. The Three Little Wolves showed us that working hard and trying something different can create a new outcome to a reoccurring problem. Math - I can tell if any number is even or odd. Reading - I can compare different versions of the same story. Writing - I can write a fiction narrative. Science - I can use the Engineer Design Process. Social Studies - I can find our state on the map and tell about its symbols. We can tell if a number is even or odd!We counted the letters in our names and graphed how many odd names vs. even names we had in our class. We sorted leftover Halloween candy to see if our handfuls were a fair share or not. We talked about how a "fair share" is an even number. ON PUMPKIN DAY...We measured, compared, and described our pumpkins...We cut up our class pumpkin and counted the seeds by 2's then 10'sWe learned about the pumpkin lifecycle and made a pumpkin hatAt the end of the day, we decorated our pumpkins!The Three Little Pigs taught us about |
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After building, students tested their designs against the wind speeds - "huff", "puff", and "blow your house down". So many of our student engineers were successful in meeting the challenge to protect their little piggies!
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We wrote our own Three Little Pigs stories - Texas Style!

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Their stories turned out AMAZING! They had so much fun putting their own spin on the story.
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Since we are talking about Texas symbols this week, we made friendship bracelets to symbolize how the word "Tejas" means friendship. Each student got a friendship bracelet that described the traits about them that made them a good friend!
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